All-in-One Wetblast Systems, Handheld Touchup Tools, and Tools
That Convert Dry-Blast Machines into Wetblast Systems

Every day is different. You could be wetblasting in a populated area, dry abrasive blasting in an open field, or finishing last-minute touchup work on a wetblast job. You need equipment that can adapt to the work in front of you today and the jobs you’ll be taking on tomorrow. You need a Clemco Wetblast Tool, equipment that can wet and dry blast—so you don’t have to turn down work or invest in a second piece of equipment.

Skid-Mounted, All-in-One
Wetblast System
You want to grow your business by taking on wetblast jobs, but having multiple pieces of equipment costs money and increases your storage, maintenance, transportation, and staging headaches. But growing your business doesn’t have to be painful—with Clemco’s all-in-one Wetblast FLEX™ system:
- The FLEX quickly switches between wet and dry blasting with its fingertip controls, as well as wash down and air drying, so you have one piece of equipment that does it all.
- The FLEX is mounted on a steel-framed skid, so you can transport it in your pickup’s bed from job site to job site.
- It’s as simple to set up and operate as a dry-blast pot.
- It helps you comply with dust-abatement regulations, reduces operators’ and bystanders’ exposure to hazardous dust, and decreases dust-containment and cleanup costs.
Handheld Suction Wetblast Tool
The job is finished and you’re ready to move on to the next project. But there almost always are a few hard-to-reach spots you’ve missed, and they’re in critical or visible places. Or maybe the inspector finds a spot that needs to be abrasive blasted—now—to meet the job’s specs. Bringing back and restaging your blast system is time-consuming and costly. But what choice do you have? Your choice is Clemco’s PowerGun H2O:
- The PowerGun H2O is a handheld, suction, wetblast touchup tool that also can dry blast.
- It enables you to quickly knock out those last-minute touchup jobs while reducing dust output and meeting dust-containment requirements.
- Hectic, eleventh-hour delays are a headache of the past. Keep your crew productive and your business on schedule with the PowerGun H2O.

Wetblast Conversion Tools
You have dry-blast equipment that you rely on day in and day out, but you also miss out on jobs because your dry-blast equipment can’t wetblast. Perhaps you’re not ready to invest in a full-scale wetblast system—but you’d sure like those extra jobs. Clemco has two solutions:
- Wetblast Injector System – The only conversion kit on the market that modifies a dry-blast machine into a high-performing wetblast system, and it allows you to switch back to dry blasting with the twist of a knob.
- Wetblast Attachment – Economical conversion tool for businesses that occasionally wetblast. It quickly attaches to the end of a blast nozzle to provide wetblast capability that easily switches back to dry blasting.
For More Information
If you’re eager to learn more, simply complete the brief form below and our team of knowledgeable experts will be in touch with you. We sincerely appreciate your interest and look forward to connecting with you soon.
Wetblasting also is known as wet abrasive blasting, wet blasting, vapor blasting, slurry blasting, dustless blasting, and wet sandblasting. However, sand should never be used when wet or dry abrasive blasting because breathing abrasive containing crystalline (free) silica can lead to serious or fatal lung disease.