Blast Rooms, Recovery Systems, and Dust Collection—Standard or Fully Engineered—For Your Unique Application Requirements

Surface preparation of rail cars, trailers, heavy equipment frames, and welded steel structures is critical to your business, or maybe your crew is de-burring and cleaning half-ton castings and other large fabrications. You could abrasive blast outdoors, but then you’d have to contend with inclement weather, dust-abatement regulations, and the expense of manually cleaning up media and not reusing it. The solution—abrasive blasting inside a Clemco blast room equipped with dust-collector and media-recovery systems that form a complete, enclosed abrasive blasting solution that resolves the issues of outdoor abrasive blasting. Keep safety inspectors happy, throughput up, blast more economically and effectively with clean, recovered media, and realize a quick return on your capital investment with Clemco.

Blast Room Enclosures
Abrasive blasting can be dirty, backbreaking, and hazardous. But well-designed blast rooms mitigate these issues. Clemco blast rooms are manufactured with galvanized steel for durability and safety, and with bolt-together, no-weld panels to ensure quick, sturdy installation. Increase productivity and promote safety with a Clemco blast enclosure that fits your application, floor plan, and budgetary requirements, available in three product types:
- Pre-assembled – Delivered to your facility ready to install. These compact blast rooms fit into tight footprints and need only air and power supplies to begin blasting. LEARN MORE
- Pre-designed – Offered in a variety of sizes and configurations. Predesigned blast rooms provide flexibility for various footprints and a short lead time. They are delivered unassembled to your facility. LEARN MORE
- Fully Engineered – Purpose-built blast rooms engineered to accommodate your unique application requirements and processes are tailored to your specifications and delivered unassembled. LEARN MORE
Media Recovery Systems
Going through thousands of pounds of media can be one of your biggest expenses. And if you don’t recover media correctly—sorting out trash, dust, and undersized broken media—you’ll encounter maintenance downtime and kill productivity. The solution is Clemco mechanical and pneumatic media recovery systems. Keep expenses down, throughput up, and stay on schedule with less rework with your Clemco Media Recovery System:
Mechanical – For Steel Grit, Steel Shot, and Other Heavy and/or Coarse Media
Clemco manufactures four high-performance, mechanical recovery systems:
- Belt Conveyer – Belt conveyor systems are low-wear, passive-transfer recovery systems that can be configured as partial or full-floor systems to fit your space, application, and recovery requirements.
- Screw Conveyor Recovery – Screw conveyors are a time-tested, economical, and reliable media recovery system. They can be configured as partial or full-floor systems to fit your application and room-size requirements.
- Sweep-In Hopper – Designed for smaller blast rooms or lower-volume abrasive blasting when a larger capital investment isn’t required. A 2 ft x 2 ft surface-mounted hopper and 3 ft x 3 ft in-ground hopper are available.
- Flat-Trak – Flat-Trak recovery floors can be installed in a pit or surface mounted. Surface-mounted installation is a practical option when lease agreements, high-water tables, or other foundation-renovation obstacles prohibit pit excavation.
Pneumatic Recovery System – For Glass Bead, Plastic Media, Aluminum Oxide, and Other Medium to Low-Density Media
- M-Section – Pneumatic-powered M-section Recovery Systems are engineered for recovering lightweight media and offer great flexibility for fine-tuning media separation. They can be quickly set up inside a pit or on a foundation surface.

Clemco Belt Conveyor Recovery System

Dust Collection Systems
Efficient dust collection that removes dust from inside blast rooms and from media is critical for optimal visibility, operator protection from respiratory hazards, and effective blasting. Clemco Dust Collection Systems are engineered for high performance, continuous use, low maintenance, and proper airflow. They help ensure high visibility, clean media, and regulatory compliance so that operators remain productive and safe.
For More Information
If you’re eager to learn more, simply complete the brief form below and our team of knowledgeable experts will be in touch with you. We sincerely appreciate your interest and look forward to connecting with you soon.
Abrasive blasting (formerly known as sandblasting) also is called grit blasting, bead blasting, media blasting, soda blasting, dry blasting, sponge blasting, shot blasting, and shot peening. However, sand should never be used when abrasive blasting because breathing abrasive containing crystalline (free) silica can lead to serious or fatal lung disease.